Tattoo Sketch

January 31, 2012

I recently designed a tattoo for myself to get in the middle of my back. I wanted it to be meaningful and inspiring, not just a mere pretty picture. Thus, I remembered the motto of BareEscentuals “Pretty is what you are, Beauty is what you do with it”. Meaning, don’t just be another pretty face – the things you do and your character are what really make you beautiful.

So here is the design. It may need some revisions here and there.

Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome.

Logo Design

January 24, 2012

This week, I threw together a quick logo design for a group I am involved with on LinkedIn called “Very Creative People”, for they are hosting a logo contest for the month.

I kept it simple, neat and added just a few pops of color to add focal points so it would not be too overwhelming.

Comments are encouraged!

Very Creative People logo


January 16, 2012

Over the weekend, I read about a product labeled “GIMP”. It is supposedly a free alternative to pricey Photoshop. This greatly sparked my interest. But, before I go and jump on the site and download it, I was wondering if it is really worth space on my computer or if it is a scam with numerous bugs?


Design Jobs Wanted

January 6, 2012

I’ve been researching extensively recently to try to find some places to apply for with a Digital Arts Associates Degree once I am done my Internship. However, I have barely had any luck in doing so. There are some few and far between, but are either hours away or require a Bachelor’s instead of an Associates Degree. On top of that, there are hardly any “entry level” positions available. I have about tired myself out with this search and am somewhat considering going back to school just to get a Bachelors in Communications. Just a thought.

I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere in the Central Pennsylvania area (or even in the Northern Maryland area) that hires entry level design positions.