Abstract linear design

December 12, 2012


Don’t mind the erase marks. It’s still a work in progress! It reads both my twin’s name and mine if you follow all o the line paths.

Wolf/Raven/Skull Design

September 21, 2012

Wolf/Raven/Skull Design

Client’s Wolf/Raven/Skull Abstract Design

Hello everyone,

I have not been on here for some time, due to a busy work schedule and career hunting. My life has become quite a frustration, but yet I still find some time to do creative drawings. My most recent, noteworthy one, is this :  a tattoo sketch of one of my favorite quotes from Nicki Minaj “I am not a word. I am not a line. I am not a girl that can ever be defined”, for many try to label me in a category, but I am none of them.

Comments and critiques are encouraged!


Back tattoo



Abstract Tattoo

April 3, 2012

Quick sketch of an abstract butterfly tattoo that I did while waiting at a doctor’s office for some time. Comments are encouraged!


March 26, 2012

I am going to pose this question again, since I am in desperate need of a jump start to my career…. is there any place hiring at the moment for entry level graphic art/creative positions in the Central/Southern PA region, or even in northern Maryland?


Poem Sample

March 8, 2012

Since I have no posted in a while, due to my hectic schedule, I decided to show something different – to convey my creativity in words. I do this through poetry every now and then. This poem was written in November of 2010.



Many look, think that they understand.

Many criticize, them, devoid of a man.

Many assume, because unlike them, I can.

Many think, a ring never to be on my hand.

Many are, what they say I am.

Decisions, Decisions

February 25, 2012

Don’t know if this is a good idea or not, but I am debating if I should practice some freelance work until I can find a stable, full time career in graphic/digital marketing…

Tattoo Art

February 14, 2012

Lately, I have been drawing up stencils for tattoo ideas that come my way. This was one of them that I did for a client, based upon his description of what message he wanted, depicted by an angel. I drew this from scratch. These are all his ideas for the tattoo in words that I thus created into a sketch for him.

It is to display the bondage we often face in life, struggling to let the freedom of our minds flourish and our passions and desires be known. It is often because of something that is holding us back, either it be ourselves or the harsh scrutiny of others. We are often plagued by doing what is wholesome, right and good that it overwhelms our inner voice and drives our inhibitions.

Her face and eyes are covered because her true self is not fully being shown. The feathers flying off the wings are to show movement away from her – toward a brighter tomorrow with freedom, passion and expression. The bound hands and ankles are to show the daily people, places, things, etc. that hold us back from doing what we desire. That is also why the loose, torn cloth on the ground is there – to show stagnation and dullness in life when one does not show, or reach, their full potential.


February 7, 2012

Just though I’d post some of my illustrations since I haven’t in a while

And, add some color to the mix, here is a vector computer generated illustration I did

Tattoo Sketch

January 31, 2012

I recently designed a tattoo for myself to get in the middle of my back. I wanted it to be meaningful and inspiring, not just a mere pretty picture. Thus, I remembered the motto of BareEscentuals “Pretty is what you are, Beauty is what you do with it”. Meaning, don’t just be another pretty face – the things you do and your character are what really make you beautiful.

So here is the design. It may need some revisions here and there.

Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome.