Wolf/Raven/Skull Design

September 21, 2012

Wolf/Raven/Skull Design

Client’s Wolf/Raven/Skull Abstract Design

Hello everyone,

I have not been on here for some time, due to a busy work schedule and career hunting. My life has become quite a frustration, but yet I still find some time to do creative drawings. My most recent, noteworthy one, is this :  a tattoo sketch of one of my favorite quotes from Nicki Minaj “I am not a word. I am not a line. I am not a girl that can ever be defined”, for many try to label me in a category, but I am none of them.

Comments and critiques are encouraged!


Back tattoo



Decisions, Decisions

February 25, 2012

Don’t know if this is a good idea or not, but I am debating if I should practice some freelance work until I can find a stable, full time career in graphic/digital marketing…


January 16, 2012

Over the weekend, I read about a product labeled “GIMP”. It is supposedly a free alternative to pricey Photoshop. This greatly sparked my interest. But, before I go and jump on the site and download it, I was wondering if it is really worth space on my computer or if it is a scam with numerous bugs?


Banned 2011 Material
After reading this article, its quite astonishing to find how much mundane stuff is actually forbidden and frowned upon in today’s advertising world. Details in advertising that seem quite minute to the normal viewer are investigated into so much that it is banned if it, in the slightest reason…ever, affects an individual to ANY extent.  Appears that designers and public relations employees alike are going to have to second guess their ideas for marketing certain material.